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Susanne Simor
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How we Became Who we Are

Heinrich August Winkler

A short History of the Germans

The quintessence of the German history - expertly portrayed by Heinrich August Winkler

Heinrich August Winkler became famous as the author of the masterpieces "The Long Road to the West" and "History of the West". His books are considered to be the epitome of historical expertise, clear political judgement and an excellently readable language. After the great standard works, which have reached bestseller dimensions with a total print run of more than 250,000 copies, one of Germany's most prominent historians is now presenting a book of radical brevity: Anyone who believes having no time for the German past can now take a master class in the most concise form. There are more convenient national histories than the German one. But it is not only the great catastrophes of the 20th century that continue to influence current debates and shape German politics and German self-image. Older historical events such as the history of the German Reich, the Reformation or the conflict between unity and freedom in the 19th century have also had a profound impact on Germany. It takes a great historian to describe the depth of all these developments and at the same time translate them into tangible political lessons for the present. With "How we Became Who we Are" Heinrich August Winkler wrote a brilliant German history for enlightened citizens.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 256 Pages