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Steven Johnson

Six Innovations That Made the Modern World

The companion book to the six-part series “How We Got to Now” (airs Fall 2014), to be produced for PBS by Nutopia in association with BBD Worldwide. Hosted by Steven Johnson, the popular science author and media theorist, the book explores the power and the legacy of great ideas. Topics include why and how ideas happen, and their sometimes unintended results.
In this illustrated volume, Steven Johnson explores the history of innovation over centuries, tracing facets of modern life (refrigeration, clocks, and eyeglass lenses, to name a few) from their creation by hobbyists, amateurs, and entrepreneurs to their unintended historical consequences. Filled with surprising stories of accidental genius and brilliant mistakes—from the French publisher who invented the phonograph before Edison but forgot to include playback, to the Hollywood movie star who helped invent the technology behind Wi-Fi and Bluetooth—How We Got to Now investigates the secret history behind the everyday objects of contemporary life.

In his trademark style, Johnson examines unexpected connections between seemingly unrelated fields: how the invention of air-conditioning enabled the largest migration of human beings in the history of the species—to cities such as Dubai or Phoenix, which would otherwise be virtually uninhabitable; how pendulum clocks helped trigger the industrial revolution; and how clean water made it possible to manufacture computer chips. Accompanied by a major six-part television series on PBS, How We Got to Now is the story of collaborative networks building the modern world, written in the provocative, informative, and engaging style that has earned Johnson fans around the globe.

Following are descriptions of the six episodes featured in “How We Got to Now”:

• REFRIGERATION: How our mastery of “cold on demand” helped give birth to at least four million babies, created the Golden Age of Hollywood, and unlocked the secrets of the universe.
• CLEAN: How our battle against dirt created the sidewalk, the swimming pool, the flat screen, and the iPhone.
• LIGHT: How our quest to harness light changed our genetic make-up and gave birth to Times Square, Las Vegas, video downloads, and an artificial sun.
• SOUND: How the journey to harness sound not only created the modern world of instant communication, but also helped put thousands of planes in the sky, changed the face of warfare, and created a new way for teenagers to rebel.
• TIME: How our journey to calculate time helped create international trade and travel, victory for the North in the Civil War, GPS, and an understanding of the origins of human life.
• SIGHT: How our quest to see better helped us see the world differently, whether right in front of our noses with the birth of eyeglasses or far beyond our visible universe with the creation of the telescope. Steven Johnson is both a successful web entrepreneur and bestselling author. His books include Where Good Ideas Come From, Everything Bad is Good For You, The Ghost Map, The Invention of Air, and Future Perfect.

Steven Johnson is the author of the bestsellers Where Good Ideas Come From, The Invention of Air, The Ghost Map, Everything Bad Is Good for You, Mind Wide Open, Emergence, and Interface Culture, and is the editor of the anthology The Innovator’s Cookbook. He is the founder of a variety of influential websites and writes for Time, Wired, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal. Johnson lives in Marin County, California, with his wife and three sons.
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Published 2014-09-30 by Riverhead


Published 2014-09-30 by Riverhead



Johnson is a polymath. . . . [It’s] exhilarating to follow his unpredictable trains of thought. To explain why some ideas upend the world, he draws upon many disciplines: chemistry, social history, geography, even ecosystem science.

Mr. Johnson, who knows a thing or two about the history of science, is a first-rate storyteller. Read more...

Fascinating…it’s an amazing book!

We’re pleased to share the trailer for the upcoming book from Steven Johnson, and PBS six-part television series, HOW WE GOT TO NOW, which you can watch and share at this link: Read more...

Steven Johnson is a maven of the history of ideas….How We Got to Now is readable, entertaining, and a challenge to any jaded sensibility that has become inured to the everyday miracles all around us.

Johnson's look at six large areas of innovation, from glassmaking to radio broadcasting (which involves the products of glassmaking, as it happens), is full of well-timed discoveries, and his insistence on the interdisciplinary nature of invention and discovery gives hope to the English and art history majors in the audience. Of a piece with the work of Tracy Kidder, Henry Petroski and other popular explainers of technology and science—geeky without being overly so and literate throughout.

Steven Johnson’s HOW WE GOT TO NOW was has been longlisted for the 2015 PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award!

Steven Johnson killed it on the Colbert Report last week! He took Colbert through the six areas of innovation in the book, and explains how AC led to the election of Colbert’s ‘hero’ Ronald Reagan. As Colbert says: “I love books like this!” Read more...

Penguin UK, Brazil: Jorge Zahar, China: Citic, Japan: Asahi Shinbun, Korea: Korea Economic Daily & Business Publications, Poland: Sine Qua Non Romanski, Portugal: Clube do Autor, Romania: Publica, Taiwan: Rye Field Publications, Thailand: WeLearn, Vietnam: Alpha Books

What makes this book such a mind-expanding read is Johnson’s ability to appreciate human advancement as a vast network of influence, rather than a simple chain of one invention leading to another, and result is nothing less than a celebration of the human mind. Read more...

In this fascinating book, Johnson presents a “history of ideas and innovation,” focusing on six important technical and scientific innovations that have shaped the modern world but that we often take for granted….Johnson debunks the genius theory of innovation—the romantic idea of the lone inventor who changes history—arguing instead that ideas and innovations emerge from “collaborative networks” at the intersections of different domains. He says that this understanding is crucial to “see[ing] more clearly the way new ideas come into being, and how to cultivate them as a society".

Jon Stewart called HOW WE GOT TO NOW “AN UNBELIEVABLE BOOK” in his conversation with Steven Johnson in a fantastic segment on The Daily Show! Read more...

Through a series of elegant books about the history of technological innovation, Steven Johnson has become one of the most persuasive advocates for the role of collaboration in innovation….Mr. Johnson's erudition can be quite gobsmacking.” Read more...

A great science writer.

20.1.15: HOW WE GOT TO NOW is #3 on the New York Times Culture Best Sellers list! HOW WE GOT TO NOW hits three New York Times Nonfiction Bestseller lists for the week of Oct 19th: Print #4 ; E-Book #4 ; Combined Print & E-Book #5 30.10.14: It’s Steven Johnson’s 4th week on the New York Times Bestseller list! HOW WE GOT TO NOW moves up the Print Hardcover (#12) and E-book lists (#10), and stays at #15 on the Combined Print & E-book list.

Steven Johnson’s new book about ‘six innovations that made the modern world,’ is filled with weird and amusing examples…His point is simple, important and well-timed: During periods of rapid innovation, there is always tumult as citizens try to make sense of it….Johnson is an engaging writer, and he takes very complicated and disparate subjects and makes their evolution understandable.

Romping around in the history of technology with Johnson is fun as well as enlightening. He writes elegantly and draws on wide learning to illustrate the ways history and technology interact.