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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
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Alvin Tresselt Roger Duvoisin

A small boy sets out to explore the beach and finds many things to see and play with until the tide comes in.
A small boy's morning at the shore line is filled with fascination while he watches and plays with his surroundings. He's the first one on the beach and as he sees the beach animals, hears the sea sounds, and builds a sand castle which is washed away when the tide comes in, his pall-in-hand wanderings have a salty tang.

Alvin Tresselt was a pioneeing children's book author and graphic designer. He was an editor for Humpty Dumpty magazine and an executive editor for Parent's Magazine Press before becoming an instructor and the Dean of Faculty for the Institute of Children's Literature in Connecticut. He wrote over thirty children's books, selling over a million copies. He received the Caldecott Medal in 1947 for White Snow, Bright Snow. His best-known book is a retelling of the Ukranian folk tale The Mitten. Tresselt was a pioneer in children's writing, well known for his poetic prose style. He created the “mood” picture book, in which the setting and description for a story was even more important than the characters and plot.

For nearly half a century, Roger Duvoisin has entertained children all over the world with his amusing stories and endearing animal personalities, such as Petunia, the silly goose, Veronica, the friendly hippo, Jasmine, the independent cow, and Crocus, the not-so-sure-of-himself crocodile. The Happy Lion, one of his most popular characters, resulted from a collaboration with his wife, Louise Fatio. He wrote and illustrated forty books, and illustrated over 100 more by other authors. He received the Caldecott Medal in 1947 for White Snow, Bright Snow and a Caldecott Honor in 1966 for Hide and Seek Fog. Today, his children's books continue being released in new editions.
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Published 2023-05-11 by Lothrop Lee and Shepard


BL Shupan
