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Diego De Silva

Diego De Silva masterfully portrays the hopes and disappointments, the hidden joys and the complicated tangle of feelings that always come with a separation.
Fosco and Alice loved each other deeply. Yet after a life together, without fully understanding why, they will soon part ways. Alice longs for a dramatic and intense finale, believing that the depth of love is reflected in the wounds it leaves behind. Fosco, however, is gentler, somewhat passive, willing to accept any terms. Unable to communicate directly, they have handed over their words to their respective lawyers. But a love story cannot be entirely captured in legal documents. Despite the bureaucracy of their separation, they decide to retreat to their cherished home, surrounded by the memories of what they used to be, to confront their past and give their story a proper conclusion. With determination, pain, and even a touch of irony, they revisit what they once had and watch the end credits of a life together. Diego De Silva was born in Naples in 1964. Among his latest novels, Mancarsi (Einaudi 2013), Terapia di coppia per amanti (Einaudi 2015), and the best-selling series of the "lawyer of unsuccess" Vincenzo Malinconico: Non avevo capito niente (2007 Einaudi, Premio Strega finalist), Mia suocera beve (Einaudi, 2010); Sono contrario alle emozioni (Einaudi, 2011) and Divorziare con stile (Einaudi, 2017), I valori che contano (avrei preferito non scoprirli) (2020), Sono felice, dove ho sbagliato? (2022). His novels have been adapted into movies and TV series and translated in several languages.
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Published 2024-09-01 by Einaudi