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I want to do a movie

Paola Zannoner

An adventure full of unexpected situations, annoyances and a pinch of jealousy...nothing short of extraordinary.

We hug, we are happy and we think that, come what may, prize or not, we have achieved a big goal that seemed unattainable... Yes, we are great, Jenny and me. We wanted to do movies and we did. And if Jenny does not change her mind, maybe she will keep doing it also when she is a grown up.

What can you do when your best friend has an absurd idea in her head? Nothing but indulge her. And this is what happens to Mia, 14 years old and dreaming to become a writer, when her friend Jenny decides to shoot a movie. A real movie with a production, a director, a sound engineer, a costume designer and a casting for actors. And a movie star as main actor: Gabriele, the protagonist of the TV series A lawyer in the family. Jenny is in love with him and she is ready to do anything to get noticed. 

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Published by deAgostini

Main content page count: 304 Pages