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I Was an Ambassador to the Sultan

AbdelRahman Salah


He worked in Turkey as an ambassador for Egypt at a very delicate stage in the history of the Middle East region as a whole. Since 2010 - when he assumed his duties in Ankara - and until the end of 2013 - at the end of his duties there - he witnessed many pivotal events in the relationship between the two countries.

From here comes the importance of the book, “Abdel-Rahman Salah,” the last Egyptian ambassador to Turkey, as it details a relationship between two countries that have military and political weight in the Middle East, and the similar rapprochement - to some extent - during the era of former President “Mohamed Hosni Mubarak”, It increased after 2011 AD and “Mohamed Morsi” took over the rule of the country by virtue of the political doctrine that links the ruling Justice and Development Party in Turkey and the Brotherhood in Egypt, then

Turkish estrangement and hostility to Egypt's interests after the June 30 revolution and the overthrow of the Brotherhood's rule. The pages of the book not only give you a new vision of the relationship between Egypt and Turkey under the rule of four presidents of Egypt, but they also give you accurate and documented accounts - in which Ambassador “Abdel-Rahman Salah” participated by virtue of his position - of what happened between the two countries during the past years... Away from the whims of support or opposition.

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Published 2019-01-01 by Nahdet Misr Publishing House , ISBN: 9789771456902

Main content page count: 328 Pages

ISBN: 9789771456902



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