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Wolfgang Benz

Significance and Failure of the Opposition Against Hitler

The resistance against Hitler is a chapter in German history with more darkness than light. Millions of Germans did not lift a finger against an NS-regime that abolished freedom, made short shrift of the rule of law and persecuted and murdered uncountable numbers of their fellow citizen. And yet, there were those like Georg Elser, Count Stauffenberg and the members of the White Rose resistance group, who risked their lives to stop the criminal regime.

In this important book, Wolfgang Benz presents the multifaceted spectrum of the opposition against Hitler, does away with many a myth, and paints the picture of the time according to the most recent historical research. After 1933, ordinary people courted danger by helping innocent victims, communists organised underground, and members of churches, aristocrats and intellectuals refused to cooperate with Nazis and even planned the toppling of the regime. Meanwhile, the majority of those who disagreed were too afraid for their own and their families’ safety to take action. In packed scenes, Benz displays life under the NS-regime and explores motifs and conditions of the opposition under the reign of terror.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406733451

Main content page count: 560 Pages

ISBN: 9783406733451