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Heel Verlag
Stephanie Becker-Barth
Original language


Egbert F. Eschenbacher

● 176 pages ● approx. 250 mainly colour photographs ● word count : ● hardcover ● trim size: 250 x 250 mm ● retail price € 24.99 ● ISBN 978-3-86852-615-8 ● Published June 2012

Hitting the road in 1901, Indian was not only the first American motorcycle, it was the world's best-selling bike and, having introduced the first V-twin motorcycle to the world in 1907, the most technologically advanced. After production had stopped in 1953 there were various attempts in later years to re-establish the mark. Today Indian motorcycles belong to the most sought after and most expensive classic machines. 

This new volume focuses on the circulation of Indian motorcycles throughout Europe, presenting nostalgic and previously unpublished photographs of the machines and their riders. Most pictures and documents shown here date from the 1920s and the 1930s, featuring company advertisements, contemporary leaflets and brochures and also extracts from newspaper and magazines.

This compilation is a true treasure trove for all friends and enthusiasts of the legendary Indian motorcycles!

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Published 2012-06-01 by HEEL Verlag , ISBN: 9783868526158

ISBN: 9783868526158