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Ingrid Wiener and the Art of Liberation

Carolin Würfel

Vienna 1968 / Berlin 1972

In Vienna in the 1960s, and Berlin in the 1970s, even the most revolutionary avant-gardists still clung to traditional gender roles. In among it all, young Ingrid Wiener was trying to find her way as an artist. A book about non-conformity, a hunger for life and what it means to be emancipated.

»Take your child out of school, her appearance is distracting the other students from learning!« In post-war Vienna, Ingrid Wiener’s parents followed this advice from their daughter’s teacher. But following their act of obedience, the story of a rebellion was

born: Ingrid joined a group of famous male artists. After scandalous protests, she fled

with them to Berlin, where they founded the legendary Exile magazine. Her kitchen

was the meeting place for such stars as David Bowie, Max Frisch and Peter O’Toole.

Who was this woman, welcomed into an inner circle of men, but who resolutely followed

her own path? Carolin Würfel recreates the extraordinary atmosphere of that era and

paints the literary portrait of an inspiring female figure.

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Published 2019-01-01 by Hanser Berlin

Main content page count: 208 Pages


»A book about freedom, the wind that we all need to fly, and the happiness of starting over and over again.«