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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
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https://charleslambert.wordpress …


Charles Lambert

JACK SQUAT is chilling, highly filmic fiction, a stunning 25,200 word novella set in Italy, centred around a gay couple who help wealthy foreigners to buy holiday villas – but when they realise the opportunity for deception and profit around a mysterious tower in an olive grove, things begin to get seriously scary. They may have hit upon the right victim to dupe, but it seems they have chosen the wrong house Born in England, Charles lives in Fondi, near Rome, working as a university teacher and freelance editor. He is the author of the novels LITTLE MONSTERS and ANY HUMAN FACE (Picador) and the short story collection THE SCENT OF CINNAMON (Salt). His work is included in THE BEST OF BRITISH SHORT STORIES 2013 (Salt) and he has won an O. Henry Award and other short story prizes.
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