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Andy Lopata

Why Seeking Support Is Your Greatest Strength

The challenges of recent years have brought to the forefront the need to allow others to support us, both personally and professionally. But it still isn't easy or natural for many.
Being transparent and comfortable sharing vulnerability with the right people, in the right way, allows us to enhance not just our sense of wellbeing but also our creativity, productivity, mental resilience and the likelihood of achieving our goals.

In Just Ask, Andy Lopata explores the change in mindset needed to embrace the support of our networks and the power of doing so. He discusses the impact that transparency can have on individual and collective achievement and illustrates with case studies based on exclusive interviews how it has already affected people from all walks of life.

A specialist in professional relationships and networking for over 20 years, Andy Lopata was called 'one of Europe's leading business networking strategists' by the Financial Times and 'a true master of networking' by The Independent and A very experienced international speaker, Andy is the author of five books, has been quoted in a number of other business books and regularly quoted in the international press.
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Published 2020-12-07 by Panoma Press


Most people have faced professional and personal challenges that are tough to navigate alone. Important conversations are opening up around mental health and vulnerability, however many people still struggle to ask for the support they need from others. Within his new book, Just Ask, Andy Lopata explores the change in mindset needed to embrace the support of others, the power of doing so, and the benefits that transparency can have on success. Read more...


One of my biggest lessons from 2020 has been the importance of empathy," says Andy Lopata, author of Connected Leadership and Just Ask and host of 'The Connected Leadership Podcast'. "There has always been a risk of engaging with people without stopping to think about how our words are being received, or what might be affecting their mood in that moment. In 2020, the dangers of damaging relationships by lacking sensitivity have been amplified." He continues: "How many of the people you've spoken to in 2020 have been secretly preoccupied by fears of being furloughed or made redundant? Or fear for the future of their business, or have concerns about their health, or the health or job security of their family? We should always be putting ourselves in other people's shoes. In 2020, that's been more important than ever. Read more...