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Johannes Fried

Force and Faith

“Charlemagne through Johannes Fried’s eyes: the miracle of a new biography which, written in a thoroughly critical way, only serves to enhance the Emperor’s image.” – Horst Bredekamp, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

We know little about the life and character of the greatest medieval ruler. A biography of Charlemagne in a modern sense is impossible. But the manner by which Johannes Fried, the master storyteller and gifted medievalist, in this his magnum opus, pulls out all the historical stops, traces Charlemagne through sources and artifacts, hunts for clues amongst all types of evidence and analogies, brings knowledge and the most modern methods of memory research and creative intuition together in order to bring an era and a ruler to life – that’s historiography in a class of its own. This book is the closest anyone can hope to get to knowing Charlemagne.

“Johannes Fried’s knowledge is breathtaking.”

– Lucas Wiegelmann, Die Welt

“A tremendous panorama – in terms of both language and content – that captivates with its broad strokes as well as with its abundance of details.”

– Berthold Seewald, Die Welt online

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406725432

Main content page count: 736 Pages

ISBN: 9783406725432


English: Harvard University Press

Simplified Chinese: SDX Joint Publishing