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Heel Verlag
Stephanie Becker-Barth
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Keeping your own miniature chicken

Axel Gutjahr

80 pages ● many colour photographs ● softcover ● trim size 183 x 225 mm ● retail price: € 12.99 ● ISBN 978-3-96664-129-6 ● Publication: September 2020

More and more people love the idea of keeping their own chickens. However, oftentimes there is a lack of appropriate space(s) for adequate chicken housing. But a great alternative option for limited spaces are bantam chickens, with an ideal mixture of, for instance, one cock and three to five hens.

An advantage of this special small breed is their usual calm and even-tempered behaviour which oftentimes makes them rather devoted and affectionate. With a considerable time invest, they might become real trusting so you may even caress them.

Thus, a lot of chicken keepers do consider their animals not primarily as suppliers of eggs or meat, but rather as family members.

This book explains everything you have to know to get started, from the necessary invest on barn and equipment to food and feeding, anatomy and physiology of the breed up to legal requirements.

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Published 2020-08-01 by HEEL Verlag , ISBN: 9783966641296

Main content page count: 80 Pages

ISBN: 9783966641296