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‘Never Lose the Wonder’

Brigitte Fassbaender

A Memoir

A critic once called Brigitte Fassbaender a ‘singer who makes your heart stop’. Up to the day she decided to end her singing career, she was a world star of the opera and of classical song. In her autobiography she looks back at a full life, tells us of great artists who have crossed her path, of the glamour as well as the misery of professional singing, and most of all, of the happiness of music.

At 21, Brigitte Fassbaender is given a position at Munich’s State Opera. From there, her path leads to the greatest stages of the world, with artistic adventures and amazing experiences along the way. In her thoughtful, deeply human book she tells us of the operas and songs close to her heart, of the ethos of song and of moments of greatest musical fulfillment. We learn about the conductors and singers, pianists and directors she admired: from Carlos Kleiber to Claudio Abbado, Martha Mödl to Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, and many more. Fassbaender also writes with frankness about difficult topics, about the tortures of menopause for a female singer, about male dominance and the exploitation of power in the profession, about her own personal failures. Her second life, after she stops singing professionally, leads her to teach singing, to work as director and artistic director. Overall, she presents her readers with the wonderful story of a life always lived in search of wonder.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406741159

Main content page count: 352 Pages

ISBN: 9783406741159