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Friederike Barakat
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Ladies in Shorts and other personalities in world literature

Werner Morlang

Who could portray authors in all their genius and individuality better than Werner Morlang? In the years before his death (2005 to 2009), the well-known literary scholar from Zurich organised a series of reading cycles in which his talents came to the fore once again. On the occasion of his 70th birthday, we are publishing a best-of collection of his literary portraits.

Werner Morlang was a tireless mediator and lover of literature. Throughout his life, he had a weak spot for its less conventional figures. He felt the need to showcase the diversity and richness of the written word, and to draw attention to lesser-known authors. Using slogans like »Ladies in Shorts« or »The Literary Coffeehouse,« he devoted his time to international writers such as Egon Fridell, Leo Perutz, Dorothy Parker, Katherine Mansfield, David Goodis and Raymond Chandler. He gathered advocates of literary trends, styles and epochs and gave entertaining insights into the lives and works of writers. With his eloquent formulations and love of curious detail, Morlang succeeded in inspiring audiences and readers to discover authors and works whose significance remains undiminished. At last Werner Morlang’s entertaining and knowledgeable portraits are also available in book form.

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Published 2019-05-01 by Nagel & Kimche

Main content page count: 260 Pages


»He knew a great deal and wanted to pass it on. Werner Morlang was a giant in the literary business.« Stefan Howald