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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
Original language


Christophe Lambert

In jail for avenging the murder of his wife and daughter, Christophe Keller studies to become a lawyer, then sets out relentlessly to hunt down evildoers.
Convicted for taking revenge on the men who murdered his wife and daughter, Christophe Keller studies law in prison. Realizing how often the legal system is flawed or powerless, Keller turns into a bringer of justice, settling conflicts among his fellow inmates using his rare charisma and exceptional physical strength. When he comes out, he decides to become “The Judge”. He walks the streets, stalking villains and righting wrongs. It all starts with an incident in the subway. He stops a gang of delinquents from attacking a woman. When the brief fight is over, he forces the last surviving thug to transmit his message: “The Judge is here”. Keller then disappears behind his mysterious vigilante role. Who is this elusive avenger? The media want to know. The police try to stop him: no one has the right to take the law into his own hands. But the Judge is wily, with an infuriating knack for slipping through their net.

Then one day a woman tips him off about all the corruption in the city, making a mockery of law and order. Now both organized crime and the police are after the Judge. Only one way out: attack.

This is the second novel written by Christophe Lambert, actor who starred in
Greystoke and Subway. His first, La fille porte-bonheur (The girl who brings luck) was well-received (15,000 copies sold).
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Published 2015-06-01 by Plon