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Christian Dittus
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Brandon Sanderson

In ''Legion,'' a short, distinctly contemporary novella filled with suspense, humor, and an endless flow of invention, Sanderson revealed a startling new facet of his singular narrative talent. In the stunning sequel, LEGION: SKIN DEP, that talent is on full display.

Stephen Leeds, AKA ''Legion,'' is a man whose unique mental condition allows him to generate a multitude of personae: hallucinatory entities with a wide variety of personal characteristics and a vast array of highly specialized skills. As the new story begins, Leeds and his ''aspects'' are hired by I3 (Innovative Information Incorporated) to recover a corpse stolen from the local morgue. But there's a catch. The corpse is that of a pioneer in the field of experimental biotechnology, a man whose work concerned the use of the human body as a massive storage device. He may have embedded something in the cells of his now dead body. And that something might be dangerous...

What follows is a visionary thriller about the potential uses of technology, the mysteries of the human personality, and the ancient human need to believe that death is not the end. LEGION: SKIN DEEP is speculative fiction at its most highly developed. It reaffirms Sanderson's place as one of contemporary fiction's most intelligent--and unpredictable--voices.
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Published 2014-11-01 by Subterranean Press