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Divya Srinivasan

Little Owl braves the unknown!
"Come to our cavern!" the bats called out. Then they darted off into the dark. Little Owl felt a shiver of excitement! He'd never been to that part of the forest. Little Owl and Raccoon set off on an adventure. Skunk warns them about a strange something he saw near the bats' cavern. When a fog rolls in and disguises the trees around him, Little Owl gets a fright--until he discovers that something strange can be something wonderful! Divya Srinivasan lives in Austin, Texas. Her illustrations have appeared in The New Yorker, and she has done work for This American Life, They Might Be Giants, Sundance Channel, Sufjan Stevens, and Weird Al Yankovic, among others. Divya was also an animator on the film Waking Life. She is the author and illustrator of the picture books What I Am, Little Owl's Night, Little Owl's Day, Little Owl's Snow, and Octopus Alone, and she illustrated the picture book Cinnamon, written by Neil Gaiman. More of Divya's work can be seen at
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Published 2025-08-12 by Viking