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Alexander Dobler
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Little People, Big Dreams

Isabel Sánchez Vergara

More than 450.000 copies sold

The series shows the life of outstanding women, milestones of contemporary culture: designers, artists or scientists. They all were once little girls with a dream. And they teach us that every dream can be a great story. Each book is written by Isabel Sánchez Vergara and fully illustrated by different illustrators. Discover the world of Coco Chanel, Audrey Hepburn, Agatha Christie, Amelia Earhart, Ada Lovelace, Dian Fossey, Ella Fitzgerald, Frida Kahlo, Marie Curie, Gloria Fuertes and many other marvelous women.

_ Sold to: Spain (Alba), English worldwide (Quarto Publishing Group), Azerbaijan (Azerbaijani

Rights Queri), French for Canada and US (Groupe d’édition la courte echelle),

Israel (Zeltner Publishing), Sweden (PAGINA GROUP AB), Japan (Rikuyosha), Italy (Fabbri),

Ukraine (KM Books), China (Beijing Yuntu Tech Co.), Greece (Papadopoulos), Norway

(Gyldendal), Denmark (Bilgrav Forlag), Netherlands (De Vier Windstreken), Turkey (Marti

Publishing Group), Bulgaria (Timelines Publishing), Germany (Insel Verlag), Corea (Dahli

Children’s Books), Portugal (Penguin Random House

), France (Elcy Editions)