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Susanne Simor
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Christian Thielemann Neo Rauch Rosa Loy

Richard Wagner's Romantic Opera - Illustrated by Neo Rauch and Rosa Loy.

Wagner's famous romantic opera "Lohengrin" tells the fateful story of Elsa von Brabant and her "Swan Knight" Lohengrin. The artist couple Neo Rauch and Rosa Loy have created wonderfully poetic illustrations in the basic colour blue.

Two courageous, strong women: for Neo Rauch and Rosa Loy, Elsa and her adversary Ortrud are in the foreground. Each fights in their own way against the hypocrisy of the male-dominated Brabant society - both free themselves from this world, following their inner voice and their own will. Their men, Lohengrin and Telramund, must surrender to them. For the timeless topicality of this drama, the artist couple find a strong visual language in which several levels of time are intertwined: the Brabanters in lace collars and sneakers in front of a neo-Romantic industrial architecture, for example, or a transformer station whose electrical conductors allow the music to flow through all time. Neo Rauch and Rosa Loys so far unpublished Lohengrin drafts impressively illustrate Wagner's libretto, which together with these images reads like a modern fairy tale.

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Published 2023-05-22 by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 150 Pages