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Jonathan Beck
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Look Me in the Eye, Dürer!

The Work of the Old Masters as Explained by Susanna Partsch

Why does everyone know Durer’s self-portrait? Why does the Virgin Mary always wear a blue mantle? Why did Rubens prefer to paint voluptuous women? Susanna Partsch gets to the bottom of these and many other questions with the goal of bringing the art of the Old Masters to life.

The imagery used by the Old Masters is often alien to us. And when we look at their works, we find that we know too little about the business of art at that time—about who commissioned the paintings, why they were even painted, and what is depicted in them. We are also confounded by very practical things such as: what did the paint colors consist of during this time, how were they made, how durable were they? How can you tell if a painting is “real” or how old it is? How can you transport large format works that do not fit through any regularsized door? After reading this book, you will have an entirely different experience the next time you visit a museum and you will see the paintings through different eyes!

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406712067

Main content page count: 296 Pages

ISBN: 9783406712067