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Fritz Agency
Christian Dittus
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Ouyang Yu

A Wild History

LOOSE takes place around the turn of this century, partly in Australia and partly in China and its provinces, where Ouyang Yu's brother Ouyang Ming, a famed Falun Gong practitioner who was tortured to death, enters the story.

The novel combines fiction with non-fiction, poetry with literary criticism, diary with life writing, with multiple stories weaving in between, told from different points of view by different characters. The story evolves during the heady days of the end of the millennium when the new sexual revolution Chinese-style erupted, when political repression went side by side with burgeoning artistic freedom, and poetic experimentation took a sharp postmodernist turn as poets swung away from Western resources to a rich past and richer present.

"While more conventional writers elegised or exulted over the final years of the twentieth century, Ouyang Yu shows characters simply, adamantly, living them. Loose: A wild history is provocative, searingly witty, and above all elegantly structured. It is one of the most honest and most compelling books produced in recent years." - Nicholas Birns, editor, Antipodes

"Sometimes I can't decide whether Ouyang Yu is a crazy genius or just crazy. I'm prepared to roll the dice and say he's both. Loose is a masterpiece of eccentric, angry comedy, reminiscent of Sterne and Celine, but honestly it's not like anything else. It had me laughing in (English-speaking) Chinese. When the world wakes up to this guy, I want an invitation to the party." - Malcolm Knox
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Published 2023-05-11 by Wakefield Press