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Laura Ferrero

In this book, Laura Ferrero shares a moving account of a family that never was, that disintegrated almost before she existed, and which left its mark on all three family members forever.
I had a family, but nobody ever told me about it. On December 26, 2018, I came into possession of a wayward photo of my mother, my father, and myself. When I saw it, it was the first time I used those two words together: my family. And that was also when this novel began. When I was a girl, I ping-ponged between divorced parents and their families. From those confusing years, there is a surviving doodle of my father dressed as an astronaut, and across the drawing I had scrawled the word NASA in enormous letters. Why had I chosen to make my father an astronaut in an enormous spacesuit, even though he worked at a bank? On December 26, 2018, I decided to start writing a novel, a novel about my family. I got the notebooks and the recorder and sat down across from the protagonists - my father, my mother, and their respective partners - to ask a very simple question: what happened during those years that necessitated making every last vestige of it vanish? The result: they lied to me, so I tucked the novel away in a drawer, ostensibly forgotten. I picked it back up only when I found a way to tell the story of my family that, unbeknownst to me, had always been linked to those men and women - astronauts - who had traveled as far away as possible, farther than anyone had gone before, to understand what, ultimately, had always been within their reach. Laura Ferrero (Barcelona, 1984) is a journalist and an editor and she has been branded as a "breakout author" after the publication of her first book of short-stories Piscinas vacías (Alfaguara, 2016). Her articles and reviews are regularly featured in El País, ABC Cultural or La Vanguardia, among other outlets. She is also a screenwriter for several film and tv projects, including the awarded documentary El techo amarillo, the screen adaptation of Un amor by Sara Mesa or HBO's Foodie Love. Qué vas a hacer con el resto de tu vida (Alfaguara, 2017) was her acclaimed debut novel, followed by the successful collection of short-stories, La gente no existe (Alfaguara, 2021).
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Published 2023-03-30 by Alfaguara


A brutal exercise in honesty.

Russia: Livebook ; Brazil: Tordesilhas/Alta Books

Ferrero owns a literary force comparable to Delphine de Vigan or Fleur Jaeggy. [.] Los astronautas proves her as one of the most intelligent and capable of our authors. A success more than deserved.

In this profound and powerful novel, Ferrero takes us on a journey to the ends of the family realm, somewhere we might not be able to return from. And even if we do, we will never be the same.

I devoured this beautiful, complex and enthralling quest for family roots. Los astronautas consecrates Laura Ferrero as an exceptional storyteller.

An intelligent and radically intimate book. It focuses -like Nabokov- the most precious details. It reaches painful and healing truths. Complex and brave. I was impressed.

Ferrero does what great writers do: digs and creates tunnels, because the truth resists and is rarely in sight, especially the truth that concerns the family.

Ferrero is from now on one of the great writers on "the family" concept. She's explored its depths with no fear, illuminating its darkest corners with her writing.