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LOST - People at the ends of the earth

Markus Mauthe

# The amazing variety of unique and endangered cultures and their habitats in breathtaking ly impressive photographs # Both historic portrait and a very special visual and thougt-provoking experience # With informative and knowledgeable texts by ethnologist on the current situation of these ethnic minorities

When nature photographer and environmental activist Markus Mauthe moves into action, his subject is the biotopes of our planet. For his latest project, this exceptional photographer travelled to the farthest corners of the earth to visit indigenous tribes whose habitats are under threat as a result of global influences and the interests of big business. His sophisticated and impressive photographs illustrate the cultural variety of these peoples and their way of life. Arising from eye-level encounters, these images are a poignant testimony which gives a voice to these endangered peoples living at the ends of the earth.

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Published 2018-09-01 by Knesebeck Verlag , ISBN: 9783957281388

Main content page count: 320 Pages

ISBN: 9783957281388