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Louis XIV

Johannes Willms

The Sun King and His Era

Insights into life at court under Louis XIV * The Palace of Versailles – a symbol of his ostentatiousness * To increase his fame, the Sun King waged thirty wars – by the end, France was bankrupt * By a major expert on French history – Johannes Willms’ last book No other German historian has produced such a rich oeuvre on the history of France as Johannes Willms. He has written widely acclaimed books about the city of Paris and the French Revolution, biographies of figures from the two Napoleonic eras (from Stendhal and Balzac, Mirabeau and Talleyrand to Napoleon III), and – as a kind of Massif Central – a unique trilogy. Following his bestseller about Napoleon and his major biography of Charles de Gaulle, he rounds off his trilogy of ‘great’ Frenchmen with this magnificent biography of Louis XIV. This is his last book.

‘By the grace of God’– the curious life of the Sun King

The ‘Sun King’ Louis XIV is the first, chronologically speaking, of three larger-than-life rulers who shaped French history in the modern era. Like Napoleon and Charles de Gaulle, he created a well of glory and power which the French national imagination is still drawing on to this day. But who was this man who set the tone for a whole era, who established absolutism, who put on a show of pomp and splendour (in the form of his palace at Versailles) the like of which had never been seen before, who cruelly persecuted the Huguenots and who terrorised Europe with wars of unprecedented brutality? In his last book, Johannes Willms paints a fascinating portrait of the man whose words ‘L’état c’est moi’ have become immortal.

‘He was no longer himself, but always performed this persona, the “Sun King”.’ -Johannes Willms

*Insights into life at court under Louis XIV

*The Palace of Versailles – a symbol of his ostentatiousness

*To increase his fame, the Sun King waged thirty wars – by the end, France was bankrupt

*By a major expert on French history – Johannes Willms’s last book

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Published 2023-05-12 by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406800672

Main content page count: 608 Pages

ISBN: 9783406800672


Napoleon (2005)

               Turkish: Repar Tasarim

Napoleon III. (2008)

               Estnonian: Kirjastus „Kunst“

Paris, Capital of Europe 1789-1914 (1988)

               English: Holmes & Meier

               Hungarian: Corvina Kiadó