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Heel Verlag
Stephanie Becker-Barth
Original language


Petra Kichmann

Journal & Bucket List for You and Your Cat(s)

120 pages ● lots of drawings & illustrations ● hardcover ● trim size: 170 x 192 mm ● retail price: € 14.99 ● ISBN 978-3-96664-029-9 ● Publication: March 2020

You have decided to share your life with a cat – congratulations! Though probably you are pretty much aware of the fact that you'll never succeed in fully exploring your pet's personality, you will definitely enjoy filling in this beautifully illustrated journal, in order to preserve your special love story and what you mean to each other.

Humorous questionnaires and various checklists will guide you through completing this matchless mix of journal and Bucket List – feel free to add anything that is of meaning to you and your beloved pet, insert your own photos or scribbles, tell how the cat has found its way into your home (and your heart!), list its favorite toys and games, its weirdest und funniest preferences and habits, and capture all those precious moments that make both your lives just perfect. The enclosed bucket list will give you lots of suggestions when looking for new pastime activities!


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Published 2020-03-01 by HEEL Verlag , ISBN: 9783966640299

Main content page count: 120 Pages

ISBN: 9783966640299