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Sebastian Ritscher


Chakung Jigme Wangdrak

A Buddhist Guide to Ultimate Happiness

Whether you're a beginner, an experienced Buddhist practitioner, non-Buddhist, or otherwise, you can find the silver lining in all circumstances with practical Buddhist wisdom and mindful methods. Chakung Jigme Wangdrak gives advice on how to reorient your thinking when faced with the challenges, mess, and chaos that inevitably occur in life. By embracing pain and suffering, you can fully savor happiness.
In Loving Life as It Is, Chakung Jigme Wangdrak gives concrete advice on how to reorient your thinking when faced with the challenges, mess, and chaos that inevitably occur in life. By embracing pain and suffering, you can learn to see their roots, begin to work with them, and eventually let them go. This will create joy and ease, allowing you to fully savor happiness. Here, you will learn how to: - Take happiness and suffering as the path - Cultivate courage, gratitude, and compassion - Practice contentment (not complacency) - Recognize outer and inner obstacles when faced with challenging situations - Dispel self-grasping to reduce suffering - Develop patience and tolerance A true Buddhist master and unique lineage holder, Jigme Wangdrak offers a roadmap to freedom with teachings that will benefit your spiritual practice and daily life - he shows you how to love your life as it already is! Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche was born in eastern Tibet as the fourth descendant of the nineteenth-century Buddhist master Dudjom Lingpa. He studied Buddhist philosophy with remarkable twentieth-century teachers, including Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and Dakini Kunzang Wangmo. He lives and teaches in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he is the spiritual director of the Abhaya Fellowship
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Published 2024-06-11 by Shambhala Publications


Loving Life as It Is explains how skillfully meeting suffering is the direct path to the highest happiness. This book provides an excellent roadmap to navigate life's ups and downs with wisdom and an open heart. A much-needed book for these times.

Like crystal-clear deep water, this book is both inviting and profound. It comes from a true master, with helpful ideas and suggestions on each page. The writing is fresh and alive, full of heart, and always encouraging. It is a real gem.

Chakung Jigme Wangdrak offers a wonderfully heartwarming expression of Tibetan Buddhism's profound and gentle way of understanding and living this human life. To read the book is itself to rest in the luminous nature of mind, to be comforted and encouraged to love this life, with all its troubles and sorrows, as a life of joy and ease. The text gives you all you need for a robust spiritual life. Born, raised, and trained in rural Tibet, but now living in the West, Chakung Jigme Wangdrak reflects the charm and magic of the original tradition in a way the Western reader can appreciate.

[A] lucid English-language debut from Tibetan Buddhist teacher Wangdrak... Buddhists of all stripes will find value.

Desire, attachment, and turmoil have changed the collective consciousness of our world - Chakung Jigme Wangdrak welcomes readers to remember that incorporating our awareness of this when we meditate and engage in spiritual practice will contribute to our individual freedom, which ripples out into our collective freedom, creating a healing impact that is so urgent to the future of our world."