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DeA PLaneta Libri
Maria Luisa Borsarelli
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From Albert Hofmann to Steve Jobs, from Timothy Leary to Robin Carhart-Harrris: the story of an ‘astonishing’ substance

19th April 1943. Albert Hofmann, a Swiss chemist rides home on his bike. He has just taken 250 micrograms of a synthesized compound he prepared to test its stimulating effects on blood circulation. What happens upsets his notion of reality, but above all marks the birth of what, will become a real myth inpopular culture: LSD is born. What happens is all in the book by A. Codignola: scientific esearch and psychedelic culture, beat generation, Aldous Huxley and Timothy Leary, the summer love, the Beatles and Syd Barret. But also the role of LSD in the technological revolution in the Silicon Valley and the renewed interest of medical research. The most accurate and complete book on this issue,written by a researcher and journalist.

The leading physicist and author Carlo Rovelli has proposed this title to the committee of Merck Prize. 

Hofmann is the first Swiss chemist who synthetized the LSD. In 2007 a panel of experts working for a global consultancy society pus him in the first position in their chart of “living geniuses”, together with the inventor of the Internet. 

Leary is the Harvard psychologist who promoted the use of psychedelic drugs to “expand the mind”. 

Jobs, the father of Apple, represents the influence that psychedelics had on worldwide creativity and on Silicon Valley technology. Jobs said: “Taking LSD has been one of the three or four most important things in my life”. 

Carhart-Harris is a young English neuroscientist who has recently obtained important results regarding the effects of psychedelic drugs on the brain. 

Agnese Codignola’s book tells about the history of the impact of the LSD on our culture. 

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Published 2018-03-01 by deAgostini

Main content page count: 256 Pages