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Luther the Heretic

Volker Reinhardt

Rome and the Reformation

Neglected documents in the archives of the Vatican shed new light on Rome’s perception of Martin Luther. In this ground-breaking new book, Volker Reinhardt paints a completely new picture of the Reformation. He convincingly shows how a cultural misunderstanding between allegedly „cultivated Italians“ and „barbaric Germans“ led to hatred and schism.

Martin Luther deeply resented „the devil’s pig, the Bope“. Roman theologians, on the other hand, did not understand what this stout and infinitely vain monk wanted, other than destroying Popery. Pious German princes had their own reasons for supporting this powerfully eloquent agitator. On the basis of documents that have previously been neglected, the author shows how the actual reasons leading to schism were beyond questions of religious doctrine. For the first time, we are presented with a vivid reconstruction of the clash between Luther and the Pope - mythically elevated by Protestants - from a Roman perspective. The book convincingly shows why the Popes did not take the clamor in far away Germany seriously. What emerges is a wholly new understanding of a battle between mentalities and interests that were to change the face of Europe and indeed, of the whole world.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406688287

Main content page count: 352 Pages

ISBN: 9783406688287


Italian: Marsilio Editori S.p.A.

Korean: Miraebook Publishing C.