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Susanne Simor
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Made in Washington

Bernd Greiner

What the USA has done to the World since 1945

The USA is generally considered as the essential nation. Without its protective hand, seemingly the world would sink into chaos. Bernd Greiner tests this thesis. What does the order power do when it puts things in order? And what do the areas of the world look like after Washington has intervened?

Bernd Greiner's book shows how the USA developed its claim to be the guardian of international order. It also shows how the idea arose that the condition for stability is American superiority. And it provides a critical balance of American regulatory policy since the Second World War including its terrible consequences in South and Latin America, for example in Guatemala. But also the Vietnam War, the Iraq wars or the policy in Indonesia. After the end of the Cold War, the USA clung to its military understanding of security, thus achieving the opposite of what was originally desired. What matters is not the assertion but the balancing of interests, not the language of power but a grammar of trust. Europe should advocate a policy of collective security. Without claiming dominance and demanding allegiance, without arrogance and nationalism. In other words, beyond American attitudes, claims and practices.  

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 240 Pages