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Dev Aujla Billy Parish

Finding Meaning, Money, and Community in a Changing World

As we emerge from the recession, a generation is searching for practical ways to succeed financially while also making positive changes in the world. From energy to food to education, Making Good outlines how to do this.
These opportunities are not just for entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies: Making Good outlines step by step how anyone can achieve financial autonomy, capitalize on global changes to infrastructure, and learn from everyday success stories—providing the skills and insight this generation needs to succeed. Charismatic, young, and passionate, Dev Aujla and Billy Parish have been recognized in media outlets such as The Globe and Mail, Vanity Fair, and Rolling Stone as voices of their generation. They are at the vanguard of figuring out how the next generation will rethink, reimagine, and rebuild the world. Making Good culls the knowledge and practical advice that has allowed Aujla and Parish to build thriving, meaningful careers.
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Published 2012-02-01 by Rodale