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Knesebeck Verlag
Marc-Frederic Schmid
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Manolito - A fantastic fairytale

Friedrich Hechelmann

» The first novel written by the famous painter Friedrich Hechelmann » A fantastic story that touches the bis questions of the relations of humans and nature » A colourful and fantastic journey – not only for children

Knuth Rabenhorst, a laboratory technician, never gave thought to questions concering life on earth and human behaviour. But one day Manolito, a minuscule man abused as a test person, comes into Knuth’s life – an encounter that changes everything! The scientist learns a lot from his new friend about man-made catastrophes that made the animals flee to the neighboring continent Aronia. With Knuth’s help Manolito is able to flee from the laboratory and goes on an adventurous journey to Aronia. He is meeting the bat Philomenia, the mouse Hedwig, the crow Kasimir, and the bumblebee Klara. On a dangerous mission they are flying to the cliff of demons at the edge of the world where the master of the winds is reigning …

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Published 2017-09-01 by Knesebeck Verlag , ISBN: 9783957280602

Main content page count: 176 Pages

ISBN: 9783957280602