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Claire Harris
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Kristie Middleton

Transform the Way You Eat and Live— One Meal at a Time

Countless people are now cutting back on meat by enjoying more plant-based meals-to look and feel better, have a lighter eco-footprint, or to help animals. If you want to eat less meat and dairy without giving them up entirely, MEATLESS offers concrete rationale and easy steps for reducing animal products.
Countless people are now cutting back on meat by enjoying more plant-based meals-to look and feel better, have a lighter eco-footprint, or to help animals. If you want to eat less meat and dairy without giving them up entirely, MEATLESS offers concrete rationale and easy steps for reducing animal products. Kristie Middleton, senior food policy director for The Humane Society of the United States, shares inspirational stories from people who've lost weight, reached their health goals, helped animals, and improved their environmental footprint through plant-based eating.

Along with its delicious, satisfying recipes that anyone can make, MEATLESS offers tips and tricks for overcoming common barriers to diet change and how to make a better lifestyle stick-such as easy food swaps, where to dine out, and how to set and meet your goals. Whether you're a passionate meat lover or vegan-curious, MEATLESS is the roadmap for a healthier life and a better you.

Kristie Middleton is the Senior Director of Food Policy for The Humane Society of the United States, where she oversees the group's efforts to drive plant-based eating. Middleton has worked with some of the nation's largest school districts, as well as dozens of hospitals and colleges to implement healthier eating programs. She holds a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.
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Published 2017-03-07 by Da Capo Press


Published 2017-03-07 by Da Capo Press


If we want to create a more compassionate world, we have to give people the tools to make it easy. While everyone might not be ready to go vegan or vegetarian, Kristie Middleton's book MeatLess provides insight into how individuals can make small changes that add up to making a big difference for their health, the planet, and animals.

So many of our chronic diseases are preventable by eating fewer animal-based foods and more whole plant-based foods. Kristie Middleton's reduction approach has helped translate millions of meat-based meals served in our nation's cafeterias to meatless. I'm excited that she's now bringing this methodology to the public with inspiring stories and tips, tricks, and recipes to make it easy.

Whether to go vegetarian or vegan, or simply eat more meatless meals, more people are interested in plant-based eating. Kristie Middleton's new book, MeatLess, helps show how simple-and enjoyable-it can be while offering tips to make it easy. I hope it's a massive success.

If you are the student waiting for the teacher to appear, Kristie Middleton is it! Take this journey with her and you'll find yourself lifted in every way-body, mind, and soul.

Packed with information and delivered in a friendly, non-judgmental voice, MeatLess is an indispensable guide for anyone seeking a more health-, planet-, or animal-friendly way of living.

In her book MeatLess, Kristie Middleton offers insight into why millions of people are choosing to eat less meat and enjoy more plant-based foods. Middleton shares how easy it can be to make simple changes to our diets that will add up to massive changes in our food system.

MeatLess provides simple tips and exciting recipes for people wanting to reduce meat in their diets - a book to inspire positive change!