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Sebastian Ritscher
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David B. Auerbach

How Digital Forces Beyond Our Control Comandeer Our Daily Lives and Inner Realities

Meganets shows how the autonomous digital forces jolting our lives - as uncontrollable as the weather and plate tectonics - are transforming life, society, culture, and politics. Here, David Auerbach, a leading theorist of data technology who has worked at Google and Microsoft, identifies and names this phenomenon, moving beyond Shoshana Zuboff's The Age of Surveillance Capitalism to provide a seminal and revolutionary account of contemporary technology change.
Auerbach's exploration of the phenomenon he has identified as the meganet begins with a simple, startling revelation: There is no hand on the tiller of some of the largest global digital forces that influence our daily lives: from corporate sites such as Facebook, Amazon, Google, YouTube, Instagram, and Reddit to the burgeoning metaverse encompassing cryptocurrencies and online gaming to government systems such as China's Social Credit System and India's Aadhaar.

As we increasingly integrate our society, culture and politics within a hyper-networked fabric, Auerbach explains how the interactions of billions of people with unfathomably large online networks have produced a new sort of beast: ever-changing systems that operate beyond the control of the individuals, companies, and governments that created them.

Meganets, Auerbach explains, have a life of their own, actively resisting attempts to control them as they accumulate data and produce spontaneous, unexpected social groups and uprisings that could not have even existed twenty years ago. And they constantly modify themselves in response to user behavior, resulting in collectively authored algorithms none of us intend or control. These enormous invisible organisms exerting great force on our lives are the new minds of the world, increasingly commandeering our daily lives and inner realities.

Auerbach's analysis of these gargantuan opaque digital forces yield important insights such as:
- The conventional wisdom that the Googles and Facebook of this world are tightly run algorithmic entities is a myth. No one is really in control.
- The efforts at reform - to get lies and misinformation off meganets - run into a brick wall because the companies and executives who run them are trapped by the persistent, evolving, and opaque systems they have created.
- Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are uncontrollable and their embrace by elite financial institutions threatens the entire economy
- We are asking the wrong questions in assuming that if only the Facebooks of this world could be better regulated or broken up that they would be better, more ethical citizens.
- Why questions such as making algorithms fair and bias-free and whether AI can be a tool for good or evil are wrong and misinformed

Auerbach then comes full circle, showing that while we cannot ultimately control meganets we can tame them through the counterintuitive measures he describes in detail.

David B. Auerbach is a writer, technologist, and software engineer who worked at Google and Microsoft after graduating from Yale University. His writing has appeared in the Times Literary Supplement, MIT Technology Review, The Nation, n+1, Tablet, The Daily Beast, and Bookforum, among many other publications. He was Slate's technology columnist from 2013 to 2016, and he was nominated for a National Magazine Award for his coverage of the hearings. He teaches on the history of computation at the New Centre for Research and Practice and is a frequent guest at their events. He has lectured around the world on technology, literature, and philosophy and, in addition has done scholarly research on James Joyce, William Shakespeare, and artificial intelligence. His first book, Bitwise: A Life in Code, was published by Pantheon in 2018, and was reviewed in the New York Times Book Review, The New Republic, and more.
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Published 2023-03-14 by Public Affairs


Politico interviewed David Auerbach for their feature "The Future in 5 Questions."... hear his thoughts on the runaway consequences of networked systems, how AI actually thinks about data, and the lack of technical expertise in Congress.... Read more...

Excerpt: This Is Why You Feel Existential Dread When You Open Instagram and TikTok In an excerpt from his book "Meganets," technologist David Auerbach parses how our "part-machine, part-human leviathans" make us feel the world has gone insane. Read more...

Auerbach has written a fascinating, mind-expanding book that is not about the future of technology but about the future of society. We are still early in our journey toward understanding how the interaction of data and computing are fundamentally changing our lives. Meganets gets us further down that road. Two important takeaways for me: First, the metaverse is not some future stateit is here now, expanding and evolving daily. And second, algorithms don't run the worldthey create a rich, sometimes productive, and sometimes toxic new ecosystem that is an organic interaction of humans and machines already well beyond any person, company, government, or algorithm's control.

Why No One Can Control AI - Former Microsoft and Google engineer David Auerbach says Big Tech gurus are right to be frightened of their own creation... Read more...

TIME, THE BOSTON GLOBE, and INSIDER interviewed David about the rise of ChatGPT. Read more...

Our guest, David Auerbach has coined the term that is the title of his book, "Meganets". The scope of various social networks and interactive platforms has grown to such a proportion because of the sophistication of the technology and the abundant use by individuals that it is creating an autonomous digital force, as uncontrollable as the weather, and is transforming lives,society, culture and politics. Implicit in this description is the notion that no matter how many times tech execs are hauled in front of Congress or new regulations written to moderate content, the most startling fact is that there is no hand on the tiller of some of the largest global digital forces that influence our lives. This includes Facebook, Amazon, Google,Instagram and others. In effect, Auerbach argues that these companies have a created a Frankenstein. He'll explain on this podcast. Read more...

This new reality requires a big-picture thinker ready to take on the problem in all its complexity, and Auerbach proves himself more than up to the task. In stunning, lucid prose and with unsparing analytical acumen, Meganets reveals just how profoundly our world has been transformed over the past generation of technological innovation.

Auerbach's elucidation of how meganets have threatened equity and autonomy is perceptive and searing, and the unorthodox recommendations bring novel insights, even if they're largely focused on social media. This has some refreshing ideas on how to develop a fairer, saner online discourse. Read more...

Excerpt: Deep learning networks may look like brains, but that doesn't mean they can think like humans. On the ever-expanding meganet, that's a problem. ... Read more...

Auerbach is the opposite of a conspiracy theorist: he explains how there's often ultimately no person, institution, or discernable group behind big systems and the events they shape. He's interested in how to deal with that factbuilding up responsive structures instead of tearing anything down.

Auerbach's Meganets warns the networked systems that channel our words, images, and ideas are already too complex for humans to govern, however we might try. A necessary book, bracing in places, but not without hope.

a deeply interesting book.

Ex-Google Engineer on the Meganets - ever-changing systems that operate beyond the control of the individuals, companies, and governments that created them... Read more...

[Auerbach] argues that widespread concern about artificial intelligence is legitimate, but the problem is already all around us, with huge tech networks that no one - neither governments nor their owners - is able to control. Read more...

Matt Crawford speaks with Software Engineer, technologist and author David Auerbach about his book, Meganets... As we increasingly rely on and integrate our society, culture, politics and finances within a hyper-networked fabric, Auerbach explains how billions of people interacting creating massive amounts of data have produced a system that operates beyond the control of individuals, companies and the governments that created them, in turn skewing our very realities. David and I discuss how this occurred and what we can do to stem the tide and have a positive influence on these systems. Read more...

A disturbing examination of how social media technology spun out of control and what it means for the future. Read more...

MEGANETS by David Auerbach is one of The Next Big Idea Club's March 2023 nominees. Read more...

Meganets will forever change the way you think about the digital world. It is an eye-opening account of the relationships we createand which are often created for usonline. It is the foundational book explaining the sweeping social changes that created our present and will transform tomorrow. David Auerbach has written both a warning and a blueprint for a better future.

KEEN ON, a LITHUB podcast, posted their interview with David: David Auerbach on How Digital Forces Beyond Our Control Commandeer Our Daily Lives... Read more...

...a deeply interesting book...