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Mirror, mirror

Paola Zannoner

In "Specchio, Specchio", Paola Zannoner has succeeded in not violating nor trivializing the content of traditional fairy tales while at the same time she gives the reader five charming and original new stories, innovative and yet drawing inspiration from five classic and famous fairy tales.

Five popular fairy tales’ contemporary reinterpretations: two Cinderellas, Sleeping beauty, Seventh: Tom Thumb, Black Snow White, Bella and the beast. Cinderella doubles in two sisters; Sleeping Beauty is a beautiful and kind prince afflicted by narcolepsy; Tom Thumb is a detective investigat-ing mysterious kidnap-pings; Snow White is a beanpole and clumsy black girl; Bella is an archeologist prisoner of a monstrous creature... 

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Published by deAgostini

Main content page count: 240 Pages