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Knesebeck Verlag
Marc-Frederic Schmid
Original language

Miss Butterbred and Billie Balloonist

Nina Dulleck Rieke Patwardhan

Storybook for siblings.

/// Hilarious stories of two sisters’ everyday life /// Little stories for small and big sisters – perfect to read to children /// Second volume to follow in autum 2017 /// Beautiful illustrations from the prizewinning illustrator Nina Dulleck

Miss Butterbread is about to have a little sister... and she can’t wait to play with her! Nine months seem so long though... And when the little baby is finally here, it’s not quite what she was expecting! How come she is not laughing at her jokes or answering her questions? If only she could find a way to get rid of her ... Billie Balloonist always had a big sister ... and sometimes she wishes she could have her parents just for her! Not surprising she tried to lock her in the garage. Oh but don’t worry: she packed bread and appeljuice so that she can survive for about five years or five weeks!

Sweet little stories about two sisters who learn to live with one another, to share everything, and eventually to realize they cannot live without one another!

» There is no fun in anything without Miss Butterbread, not even in the best story«

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Published 2015-09-01 by Knesebeck Verlag , ISBN: 9783868738124

Main content page count: 112 Pages

ISBN: 9783868738124