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Sebastian Ritscher


David McWilliams

A Story of Humanity

MONEY is the object of our desires, the engine of our genius, humanity's greatest invention. Why does it matter and how does it shape our world?
Whether we like it or not, our world revolves around money, but we rarely stop to think about it. What is money, where does it come from, and can it run out? What is this substance that drives trade, revolutions and discoveries; inspires art, philosophy and science? In this illuminating, irreverent, and surprising journey, economist David McWilliams charts the relationship between humans and money from a tally stick in ancient Africa to coins in Republican Greece, from mathematics in the medieval Arab world to the French Revolution, and from the emergence of the US dollar right up to today's cryptocurrency and beyond. We meet a host of characters who have innovated with money, disrupting society and changing the way we live, in an ongoing monetary evolution that has, for the last 5000 years, animated human progress. David McWilliams is a global economist, writer and broadcaster whose unique ability to communicate complex societal and economic structures is unparalleled. Having worked at the Central Bank of Ireland, he became a faculty member at Trinity College, Dublin business school. He's been described as being to economics what David Attenborough is to the natural sciences and Brian Cox is to physics.
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Published 2024-09-12 by Simon & Schuster


Money: A Story of Humanity by David McWilliams: Clarion call for a radical economic future How societies are ordered and the inbuilt inequalities that have shaped civilisations for thousands of years

Money By David Mc Williams , An Exceptional Global History "Not one man in a million understands the nature of money and you meet him every day." I imagine that this apocryphal quip from the Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Samuelson will draw a few wry smiles from Financial Times readers. After all, they are probably as interested as anyone in money's mysterious secrets. They are also likely well aware that there is never a shortage of authors promising to reveal them. Read more...

McWilliams has a great knack for bringing a complex economics story to life. He is also funny. In economics, that's a rare and persuasive combination

David McWilliams makes economics accessible in this wide-ranging history of money The economist has a knack for making complex topics interesting and relevant to everyday life, which came as a relief to this reviewer

If there's one person who can turn an economic history of the world into a page turner, it's David McWilliams. This book makes a compelling, funny and original case for the idea that money does indeed make the world go round.