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Volker Reinhardt

Philosophy in Times of War - A Biography

Michel de Montaigne always left his options open, never revealed too much about himself, and had a habit of suddenly looking at things from a completely different angle. Volker Reinhardt puts the life of philosophical virtuoso Montaigne into its historical context, an era of civil wars in France. The parliamentarian, nobleman, visitor to Rome and mayor of Bordeaux is thrown into sharp relief, and we gain a better understanding of the philosopher sitting in his castle tower, looking at himself and the world from a sovereign distance.

At the height of the civil war, there is a knock on the door at the Château de Montaigne. A man has been attacked, and begs to be let in. Little by little his companions arrive. Montaigne smells a rat: a devious ambush! But he lets everybody in with generous hospitality. The lord of the castle’s naivety softens the heart of the ringleader, who gives the signal to withdraw. War forces people to adopt unusual survival strategies. With this episode, Montaigne recommends ‘naturalness’ in one’s behaviour at the same time as clever dissimulation. This is also the strategy he uses in his essays: whether he is writing about friendship, marriage, good conversations, bringing up children, or his illnesses, eccentricities and obsessions, he always comes across as completely guileless, and yet he is playing with his readers. Until now, people have drawn conclusions about Montaigne’s life from his writings, which are beguilingly authentic. Volker Reinhardt takes the opposite approach, and uses Montaigne’s life as a starting point to help us better understand his essays: as a philosophy for survival in times of violence which still speaks to us today.

*‘I want people to see me in all my simplicity, natural and ordinary, without affectation or artificiality.’ - Michel de Montaigne

*A new portrait of Montaigne: the mayor, diplomat and politician in the context of his time

*A new understanding of the ‘Essays’: a philosophy for survival in times of violence, which is still relevant today

*Compellingly written by a leading expert on the 16th century

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Published 2023-01-26 by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406797415

Main content page count: 352 Pages

ISBN: 9783406797415


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