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Monumental - Architecture of the Millennia

Immortal structures in unforgettable images by the best photographers in the world

+ Magnificent photographic portraits of the grandest buildings created by humankind + Chronological presentation + Luxury linen binding, printed

The iridescent play of light through Gothic tracery windows. Skyscrapers gleaming in chrome. The stirring simplicity of a Cistercian abbey. The worn steps of a Mayan pyramid. Church vaults reaching for the sky. Indian temples rich in detailed reliefs. Buildings move us, protect us, and give us places for prayer and devotion, for political debate and for artistic expression. Over the course of the millennia, humankind has created lasting architectural masterpieces, stone witnesses of epochs and rulers, of times and mores.

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Published by Kunth , ISBN: 9783955043827

Main content page count: 400 Pages

ISBN: 9783955043827