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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher


Patricia Lockwood

A breathtaking new collection from one of today’s boldest and most adventurous poets.
Colloquial and incantatory, the poems in Patricia Lockwood’s second collection address the most urgent questions of our time, like: what if a deer did porn? Is America going down on Canada? What happens when Niagara Falls gets drunk at a wedding? Is it legal to marry a stuffed owl exhibit? What would Walt Whitman’s tit-pics look like? Why isn’t anyone named Gary anymore? Did the Hatfield and McCoy babies ever fall in love? The steep tilt of Lockwood’s lines sends the reader snowballing downhill, accumulating pieces of the scenery with every turn. The poems’ subject is the natural world, but their images would never occur in nature. This book is serious and funny at the same time, like a big grave with a clown lying in it. Patricia Lockwood was born in a trailer in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and raised in all of the worst cities of the Midwest. Her debut collection, Balloon Pop Outlaw Black, was released in 2012. Her poems have appeared in the New Yorker, Tin House, the London Review of Books, Poetry, Slate, and The Awl. She lives in Kansas City, Missouri.
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Published 2014-05-27 by Penguin Books


Starred review. "With her second collection, Lockwood (Balloon Pop Outlaw Black) continues to develop a poetics that interrogates those categories to which societies pledge allegiance: nation, gender, nature, and sexuality. Nothing is off limits here and often the poems' responses to their subjects -- whether natural, political, or epistemological -- are a fumbling, projective sexual ecstasy. ... Lockwood's poems register the full force of what they deliver and yet admirably refuse to see that as a reason to back away. Read more...

Most of her best lines are wildly unprintable here. ... The little hairs on my back rose often while reading Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals, as if it were the year of the big wind. That's biological praise, the most fundamental kind, impossible to fake. Dwight Garner Read more...

Lockwood has written a book at once angrier, and more fun, more attuned to our time and more bizarre, than most poetry can ever get. Stephen Burt

Her most recent book of poems, “Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals,” published this month, is so full of outlandish sexual impropriety that it would make any bro blush, and that’s part of the point... Read more...

Patricia Lockwood's Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals is a collection of wildly original poems: obscene, sharp, and funny. ... The whole collection is unforgettable, literally: once read, it cannot be forgotten.

Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals gave me the peculiar feeling that I was reading the first true book of poetry to be published in the 21st century. ... Walt Whitman scoured the American dream for inspiration, Emily Dickinson turned her eyes inside and strip-mined the rich veins of her loneliness, and Lockwood scans the internet's gaudy vistas and sinister canyons.