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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Barbara Dee

Critically-acclaimed author Barbara Dee turns her attention to mental health in this thoughtful new novel for middle grade readers.
Zinny adores her older brother Gabriel. He is daring and fun, and he is always able to make Zinny laugh. But sometimes he is too loud. Too reckless.

After Gabriel is in a car accident as a result of driving too fast, he is diagnosed with bipolar disorder and sent to a treatment center, and Zinny's life unravels. Her parents want to keep Gabriel's condition private, a decision that leaves Zinny struggling to talk about what she's feeling: worry, anger, sadness, confusion. If she can't even talk about her brother, how is she supposed to move on?

The not-talking drives a wedge between Zinny and her parents, her siblings Scarlett and Aiden, and especially her friends, who don't understand why Zinny keeps pushing them away, turning everything into a joke.

This decision also means that she can't talk about her brother during Lunch Club, a group run by the school guidance counselor. How did Zinny get stuck in this weird club, anyway? She certainly doesn't have anything in common with these kids--and even if she did, she'd never betray her family's secret.

The only good thing about school is science class, where her teacher has them doing experiments on crayfish. Unlike the rest of her life, science makes sense to her. It's reliable. And when Zinny has the chance to attend a dream biology camp in the summer. she doesn't know what to do. How can Zinny move forward when Gabriel--and, really, her whole family--still needs her help?

MY LIFE IN THE FISH TANK is a touching portrait of a girl who is trying to hold her family together as she figures out what the new "normal" looks like.

Barbara Dee is the author of several middle grade novels including Maybe He Just Likes You, Everything I Know About You, Halfway Normal, and Star-Crossed. Her books have received several starred reviews and been included on many best-of lists, including the ALA Rainbow List's Top Ten, the Chicago Public Library Best of the Best, and the NCSS-CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People. Star-Crossed was also a Goodreads Choice Awards finalist. Barbara is one of the founders of the Chappaqua Children's Book Festival. She lives with her family, including a naughty cat named Luna and a sweet rescue hound dog named Ripley, in Westchester County, New York.
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Published 2020-09-15 by Alladin / Simon & Schuster


Author's guest post: PsstWanna Hear a Secret? Keeping Things Private in My Life in the Fish Tank... Read more...

Instilled with humor, the plot offers a layered narrative with occasional verse, perfect for readers looking for something a little extra special. Realistic and sympathetic, this demonstrates a successful, meaningful, and responsible discussion around mental health for all ages. Meanwhile, readers will delight in Zinny's interest in science and in the secondary plotline involving a crayfish named Clawed. Fans of A Mango Shaped Space (2003) will devour and adore this novel.

My Life in the Fish Tank is a powerful portrayal of a twelve-year-old dealing with her sibling's newly discovered mental illness. Author Barbara Dee deftly weaves in themes of friendship, family, and secrets, while also reminding us all to accept what we can't control. I truly loved every moment of this emotional and gripping novel, with its notes of hope that linger long after the last page.

My Life in the Fish Tank rings true for its humor, insight, and honesty. Zinny is an appealing narrator, and her friendships with supporting characters are beautifully drawn.

Essay author wrote for School Library Journal, in which she wrote about how the main character, Zinny, thinks about time: Sometimes I think we should have different systems for telling time. I mean like one system for when you go to school, hang out with your friends, play soccer on weekends, blahblahblah. We could call it something like Normal Standard Time. But there would also be another system, another calendar completely, for when things get weird, or when bad things happen...some kind of new, not-yet-invented time measurement. Abnormal Standard Time. Read more...

Barbara Dee offers a deeply compassionate look at life for twelve-year-old Zinny, whose older brother faces mental health challenges. This touching novel will go a long way in providing understanding and empathy for young readers. Highly recommended.

I loved My Life in the Fish Tank. Once again, Barbara Dee writes about important topics with intelligence, nuance, and grace. She earned all the accolades for Maybe He Just Likes You and will earn them for My Life in the Fish Tank too.

MY LIFE IN THE FISH TANK was named to Anderson's Bookshops Mock Newbery list!

I felt every beat of Zinny Manning's heart in this authentic and affecting story. Barbara Dee consistently has her finger on the pulse of her middle-grade audience. Outstanding!

authors guest post: My Favorite Character in Fish Tank... Read more...

A carefully crafted blend of realism, age-appropriate sensibilities, and children's interests.

Author's guest post: What's in a Name? Writing Characters in My Life in The Fish Tank Read more...