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Susanne Simor
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Nature and Gender

Christoph Türcke

Criticism of a feasibility madness

Corona and the climate change require an elementary return to nature. In a brilliant treatise, the philosopher Christoph Türcke shows how fatal it is to believe that nature is nothing but the disposable mass of our constructions.

Constructivism and deconstructivism have equally promoted this belief. They are pseudo-critical spinoffs of a high-tech feasibility mania. Gender is already considered a construct for which there is only one criterion: personal sense of belonging. But that is losing sight of the fact that humans are merely natural beings. If we want to shape nature - including our own - at will and ignore its own inherent stubbornness, it will strike back at us even more violently.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 240 Pages