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Nature in its Perfection

Johannes Wassermann Manuel Plaickner Hugo Wassermann Georg Kantioler

Another View of South Tyrol

» The magnificent flora and fauna of South Tyrol in artistic pictures » Combines close-ups of nature and animals and stunning landscapes » An extraordinary illustrated book for all lovers of South Tyrol

This unique and beautifully illustrated book contains breathtaking portraits of South Tyrolean landscapes shaped over a very long time, artistic closeup views, stunning photographs of various insects and reptiles living in secrecy and fascinating pictures of rare wild animals in their natural living spaces. In every single of these expressive pictures one can feel the special and personal approach of the four South Tyroelan photographers towards their homeland.

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Published 2017-09-01 by Knesebeck Verlag , ISBN: 9783957280343

Main content page count: 176 Pages

ISBN: 9783957280343