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Alex Schiller

How to Become the One Everyone Wants

"In order to find The One, you must become The One.” Dr. Alex Schiller doles out hilarious yet profoundly wise dating advice in her new sex and dating manual, which will transform you into an Exceptional Individual capable of seducing everyone you meet.
“My name is Dr. Alex Schiller and I Never Sleep Alone. Unless I want to. Man or woman, rich or poor, teenage or elderly—NSA will transform YOU into The One that everyone wants…” For the past three years in New York City, Dr. Alex (not a real doctor) has been performing her hit comedy and dating show “Never Sleep Alone” to sold out audiences, helping thousands of people from all over the world transform themselves and fulfill their sociosexual desires. Now, with her signature blend of outrageous humor and profound wisdom, the celebrated guru has created an interactive sex and dating guide that takes you on a fantastic journey of exciting new adventures, self-discovery, and transformation. With her nine NSA Principles, her compulsively quotable NSA Truths, and her interactive NSA Challenges, Dr. Alex inspires us all to laugh at ourselves, to make real human connections, and, most importantly, to Never Sleep Alone. Unless we want to. Dr. Alex Schiller* (a.k.a. Roslyn Hart) is a writer, performer, and producer, currently residing in New York City and Naples, Italy. She has been the subject of feature stories in several international publications and media outlets including The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Huffington Post, and The Daily Mail. *Dr. Alex is not a real doctor.
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Published 2015-02-03 by Gallery


[P]eople started buying tickets expecting more than a comedy show, says Hart, and the line between real and fake is growing ever more blurry. She is now writing a faux self-help book (also called Never Sleep Alone) that her character uses in show, after audience members kept asking for it at the swag table. ‘People are always asking where they can buy the book and wanting to hire me for one on one consultations. I tell them, ‘You do realize I'm not a real doctor’ and they say, ‘I don’t care. Your advice actually works,’ reports Hart. Read more...

With one in two [households] being occupied by a single person, and divorce rates on the rise, an increasing number of people are searching for new and exciting ways to meet others and, as the night evolved, it appeared that Never Sleep Alone was acting as a catalyst to the process. Read more...

Dr Alex—played by Roslyn Hart - springs on to the stage like a foxy dominatrix-come-sexual evangelist who everyone in the room is going to listen to and obey, such is her stage presence. And obey they do…. Dr Alex also dispenses advice from her upcoming dating book to ensure that everyone in the audience will ‘Never Sleep Alone. Read more...

Top book suggestion.

Dr. Schiller is darned good at what she does.

[P]art of Hart’s mission was to see [participants]—primarily in the show’s target age group of 21 to 45—overcome their awkwardness, be bold and make some kind of connection without expectation. Read more...

Roslyn Hart, 34, leads a double life of sorts when she performs as “sociosexual scientist” Dr. Alex Schiller, sex life coach and author of the self-help book Never Sleep Alone. Roslyn, as Dr. Alex, gives dating and sex advice to audiences, and makes them get up and practice her principles at the show. Read more...