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Morfemplus publishing
Peter Kealjic
Original language


Helena Kraljič Maja Lubi

translated into English by Jason Blake

Can we go for a walk? Can you read me a bedtime story? Can you help me…? No time! Recognize the answer? Tim the Bear would like to tell his friends that they won’t be seeing each other for a while – but his friends, who are too tied up in their everyday tasks, don’t have a minute, a second, a hundredth of a second for him. But the virtuous bear just wants to say goodbye… When he returns, he doesn’t take revenge on the friends who had not even a moment for him – he invites them over to talk, so there won’t be any misunderstanding, if they had taken a few moments for a friend… “We should talk more so that nobody would ever be mad at anybody.” Doesn’t this thought, which is written at the end of the story, apply to all of us?
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Published by Morfem

Main content page count: 32 Pages