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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
Original language


Samantha Cotterill

This deceptively simple story guides sensitive kids through trying a new food, with support and encouragement aplenty.
Children are often picky eaters, but for kids on the autism spectrum or with sensory issues trying new foods can be especially challenging. In Nope! Never! Not for Me! a young child refuses to try a bite of broccoli--that is, until her mom guides her through a careful exploration of the new food. First she looks, then she sniffs, then touches, and finally takes one tiny bite. What do you know? Broccoli isn't so overwhelming after all!

With simple, reassuring text and bold illustrations in a limited palette, Nope! Never! Not For Me! espouses a patient approach to picky eating and empowers kids to explore new experiences without stress or pressure.

Samantha Cotterill is an illustrator and textile designer. She works and resides with her family in Upstate New York.
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Published 2019-06-01 by Dial Books for Young Readers


Published 2019-06-01 by Dial Books for Young Readers


A limited ink-and-pencil color palette of green, black, and orange on generous white backgrounds shows the determined little one in many humorous poses as her face and posture act out all the stages.

A good choice for children who have sensory issues or are simply picky eaters.

A delightful book that reminds us all to try something new, even if it's "yacky!"