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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Nico Niedermeier David Althaus Svenja Niescken

When Anxiety Becomes an Illness

“This book is written so that anyone can read it and be well informed. Those who are afflicted learn what they need to know about therapy and what they should be aware of when they search for a suitable psychotherapist. Relatives learn what obsessive-compulsives go through and how they should and shouldn’t handle the situation.” – Ulfried Geuter, Deutschlandradio Kultur

Millions of people worldwide suffer from the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Every day they spend hours practicing their elaborate rituals in order to try to reduce their anxiety. For many, their compulsions has become a hated, but seemingly indispensable companion on their desperate search for security. Written by a psychologist, a specialist and a journalist, this accessible book explains the current state of research and the most successful therapeutic approaches. Detailed descriptions of individual coping strategies encourage those who are afflicated to explore ways in which to end their obsessive-compulsive behavior, rather than continuing in a familiar but rigid pattern of repeated thoughts or actions.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 274 Pages