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Susanne Simor
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Joerg Hacker

Corona and the new global infectious diseases

Pandemics, the spread of infectious diseases across countries and continents, are a dark side of globalization, especially of international aviation tourism. Even before the advent of the new corona virus, this was the case for a whole range of infectious diseases: cholera, HIV (AIDS), influenza, new flu and cicada fever are prominent examples.

With a view to the current situation, the volume explains the strategies to contain pandemics and their impact on the economy, politics and participation in public life. Can a previously unknown virus be stopped at all or is it only a question of time until 60 percent or more of the population is infected? What can the individual do or is he powerless? To what extent may a democratic state override the basic requirements of social life in order to maintain the health of the population? And last but not least: can pandemics be avoided in the future?

Available products

Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 128 Pages