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Armin Nassehi

Theory of a Digital Society

We think that the triumph of digital technology has revolutionised the world within a few years. Our interpersonal relations, our work and even the outcome of democratic elections: Everything has followed completely different rules since we have the internet, social media and the various gadgets of the big technology companies.

In his new social theory, sociologist Armin Nassehi turns the tables and reveals, that beyond panic and trivialisation, digitisation is only a particularly sophisticated technical answer to a question that has always been asked in modern societies.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 360 Pages


"Nassehi's book is dazzlingly written, sparkling, polemical at times, never grim, with finely chiselled mockery of the panic orchestra of critical colleagues."

"With its hermeneutic depth of focus, 'Muster' follows the great social studies of Adorno, Habermas, Luhmann, Bourdieu ... If it is done as cleverly and entertainingly as here, social science could once again be a true leading discipline."

"A lot of theses, a lot of hints, a lot of material to think about the most wondrous and still incomprehensible phenomenon of our time."