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Ruth Redford

The Quick, All-Inclusive Guide to Every Uterus

A no-nonsense, no-holds-barred, unembarrassed - and sometimes funny! - look at the subject of menstruation. This book looks at the body and how it changes as it goes through the menstrual cycle; talks about tampons and pads, and the alternatives to these products; discusses on which foods to eat - and avoid - to help any negative symptoms that might occur; examines the medicine that can be taken if the symptoms feel severe.

A story told in graphic novel format presented with illustrated information. After the success of the film Turning Red, this is the book that's needed right now.

Ruth Redford is a freelance editor and author based in the United Kingdom. She loves writing and researching non-fiction projects and hopes that this book will help everyone to talk more about periods and feel comfortable with them.

Aitana Giráldez was born in Barcelona. She studied fine arts and has a master's degree in illustration. Giráldez has illustrated menstruation experiences for educational health projects and has raised awareness about periods for a university documentary and a collective exhibition called Monstres. She is part of Artes-Medea, a feminist and intersectional association that supports young artists
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Published 2023-08-01 by Mayo Clinic Press